Monday, October 26, 2009

Architectural Design Standards Should and Shall

We've given lip service to these "design standards" for quite some time and some how side tracked that issue to do some designing.  don't get me wrong, this was perhaps a better path because each of us has projects that we have become "attached too". There are rules and regulations in place already that control what we can do  these are zoning ordinances and building codes. 

 Zoning Ordinances speak to how the land is used and the extent to which it can be used through broad use designations, set backs,  coverage, off street parking and other related issues.
The Building Code as you know use, size and construction type as well as safety from fire, explosion, earthquake, for the building and it's occupants. 

These two types of regulation are monitored by city  agencies like the planning commissions and building inspection departments. Here in Fargo as well as elsewhere there are procedures for  obtaining zoning variances that allow owner/ developers to modify their projects in ways that are not allowed by ordinances. 

The city is also divided into neighborhood organizations that react to developments that influence them, traffic, new construction, new uses for existing property, infill.. ( all the things we are proposing for our town/ gown site). At times the city or these neighborhood groups propose that zoning be  changed  these changes are called overlays and literally overlay the city's zoning plan with additional or in some cases fewer regulations. 

The Architectural Design Standards we are "pounding out" on Wednesday are being done in this spirit. Through the studio, we have listened to Ron, Steve, Craig Nicole, Bob, Others and each other. We know there are residents, aliens,, homeless, students, faculty and merchants, motorists, service providers each using or traveling thru our area. Change is afoot  and development is will happen So for Wednesday, We need to take off or design caps and empathize with the people to fashion a set of issues that speak to what we believe concerns of this rather large group.

Before this meeting  ARRIVE WITH A LIST  broad ( or narrow issues that you believe should be in our standards. It is very possible that you are already following these NONEXISTENT standards so make another list that ILLUSTRATES who these standards will be adhered too. This means you will need to bring "project paper "

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